Hampson Park Community Centre
Providing Space for the Community
Hampson Park, Webb Rise, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 5QU
Office number 01438 354662 (see times below)
Coffee shop mobile 07732564590 (during opening hours only)
Office Open Monday to Friday 9.30 am - 3.00 pm, Closed at weekends

Shop online and raise money for Pin Green Community Association (Hampson Park Community Centre)
Give as you Live Online is the easy way to shop and raise money for us
Simply sign up for an account and start raising when you shop through Give as you Live online at any of the 5,500 retail partners. From your handy dashboard just click on the retailer you want to buy from and you will be directed to their website where you can continue to shop as normal. Your purchase will automatically generate a donation for us
If you sign up during August we will receive a free donation for each sign up. Either follow this link
or scan the QR code on the poster
From holidays to travel, to clothing and gifts, you can raise hundreds of pounds just by shopping on line with Give as you live.
Or if you are in the Centre you can scan the QR bar-code that are posted on the notice board which will take you to the site to register.
Helping to raise money through Give as you live will help us on funding the Community Centre for any new items or improvements that need to be made. At the moment we are raising funs for a outside canopy for the coffee shop.